COLLIN team supports personnel of the clinical centre InnKlinikum Altötting and Mühldorf – donation in kind for extraordinary commitment and dedication during the time of Corona virus

A Facebook post of employees of the clinical centre InnKlinikum Altötting and Mühldorf was the crucial factor for Karin Wimmer to launch an appeal among her colleagues of the company COLLIN Lab & Pilot Solutions in Maitenbeth.
Unfortunately like in many other hospitals, the teams – especially in the Corona intensive care units – have been working at the limit for more than two years. Therefore, Karin Wimmer wanted to say “thank you” by a donation. In co-ordination with the COLLIN management, she asked her colleagues to thank the nurses and doctors in the clinical centre for their commitment and dedication with a small amount. This amount was rounded up to 500 Euro by the company COLLIN.
Recently, Karin Wimmer could hand over the donation in the form of sweets to the team of the InnKlinikum Mühldorf on behalf of all COLLIN employees.